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A Year Full of First

The year 2017 is coming to an end and with frozen lakes being the only fishable water in central Indiana my normal fishing time is consumed by equipment maintenance and a whole lot of reflecting on the year that was. I'd consider 2017 a year I'll never forget. Mostly because it was full of first.

As stated before I hadn't fished since I was a kid until this year. But taking on the hobby in a more serious manner revealed so much more about the sport than I had ever known. I don't even wanna begin to think about how much money I've spent so far on equipment. But what comes to mind when thinking about fishing over the summer and fall months is what I've learned and how I can get better. They say practice makes perfect and I plan on getting in a lot more practice when it warms up again.

I also participated in my first online bass fishing tournament from September to December. A couple of Facebook clubs (Screamin Reelz & Promoting Preservation) hosted the tournament. Some great anglers all around the country participated in the three month contest. I was able to accomplish two of my goals: 1. Get myself on the scoreboard. 2. Surpass a cumulative weight of ten pounds (Which I barely did at 10lbs 1oz) good enough for 34th place. Most importantly I've made a bunch of new friends connected to the tournament.

Springtime can't come soon enough! Heading into 2018 I plan to try and keep track how many hours I fish and keep a tally of how many fish I catch. Another goal: Catch a bass weighing more than four pounds.

Let's shift gears to another first of 2017. My very first deer hunt. November 22nd, two hours into my first deer hunt a small button buck presented itself in view enough for me to get a decent kill shot at about 50 yards. A unique, adrenaline-filled filling I can't put into words. I shook for about twenty straight minutes after I took my shot. Partially due to the cold, but mostly because adrenaline had overtaken my body. Gutted, harvested and processed - the meat was delicious! Hopefully 2018 will give me an opportunity to get a wall-hanger.

I never really viewed myself as an outdoorsy type but when you find hobbies you love the outdoors is welcoming. Whether its 95 degrees or 20 degrees, you're still doing what you love. If you're into the sport of hunting or fishing you will learn patience for sure. Spending three or four hours on the water or in the woods with no action isn't uncommon. In fact, it's likely. It's the feeling of catching fish that keeps me coming back. Two catches on a seven hour day is a success to me. A small one, but a success nonetheless.

Here's to a happy and much successful 2018 - Tight Linez & Happy Hunting!

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