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March Angler Spotlight

Welcome to the Hoosier Bassin monthly Angler Spotlight! Each month I'll conduct a short interview with a fellow angler around the country that would love to share a little faith and fishing background. This months angler spotlight is Timothy Reed.

Name: Timothy Reed

From: Alma, Arkansas

Age: 43

Years Fishing: 35

Favorite Bait: Booyah Pad Crasher

Personal Best: 8 pound Largemouth Bass

Timothy's Testimony: "I was lost in a lifestyle of drugs, crime, poverty and depression. I had lost my will for living and my hope for the future. But when I was at rock bottom I decided to start praying and almost immediately to my shock and surprise, I started seeing answers to my prayers.

I got into reading the word and going to church. Suddenly I had a purpose in life and finally felt love and accepted. Not by man but by my Savior Jesus Christ. I was able to forgive myself and in the process of being forgiven, a weight was lifted off of my soul and I was set free from addiction and consistent depression.

Fishing helps me reconnect with nature and the memories of my parents. I get to see Gods handiwork up close and personal. I want to share with other anglers that outside of fishing if they are struggling with anyhting in their lives, try praying. God listens and he is very real. Jimmy Houston said that God gave us fishing as a way of drawing families closer together."


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