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For Travis

I don't know Travis Otto on a personal level. I don't know what he does for a living. I don't know what his favorite food or color is. I don't know what he drives or where he went to high school. But there is two titles that Travis and I share: Angler and Father. Travis recently suffered a life-altering tradgedy when he lost his four sons in a house fire while at their mothers house. A

lthough this tragic event happened states away from me, the shock and hurt sent ripples through the fishing community in Indiana and across the country. Hundreds of fellow anglers have reached out to Travis for support and offered their deepest condolences during this difficult time.

Travis' love for his kids was displayed often when he posted photos of their fishing and hunting adventures to social media. I saw the importance of him spending quality time with his sons and having two sons myself, I became inspired. I wanted to make spending quality time with my sons a priority. Whether it was all three of us or giving each son one-on-one time. It didn't matter to me. Alot of kids these days spend their days in front of a phone or tablet and miss out making memories.

I wasn't much of the outdoorsy type growing up. That changed when I started to fish and hunt. Yes, fishing and hunting can be really enjoyable but being outdoors and taking in what God has created takes the experience to another level. Seeing an early morning sunrise in the summer or sitting out in quiet woods on a chilly fall morning is just an awesome thing to be a part of. Travis clearly taught his boys to appreciate and indulge in these times.

My boys are four and two years old. They're still learning and I doubt they understand why I want quality time but watching them have fun and learn about a hobby I love overjoys me. Life is short and opportunities are few. When we let the hustle and bussel of daily life fill our schedules, we miss important time with the ones we love. Travis is the type of father who never let that happen.

Travis loved his boys. The memories he shared with Tyler, Max, Cason and Levi will stay with him wherever he goes. Especially when he's on the water fishing. Thank you Travis for inspiring me to be a father who loves to make memories with my sons. Recently both of my boys caught their first bass and were estatic about it. I can't help but think your little fishermen had something to do with that.

-In memory of the Otto boys.

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